Among all pharmaceuticals, oral dosages are preferred, when pharmacokinetics permit them. And among oral dosages, oral solids—pills—are the most common form. But there have been, and will continue to be, a significant number of drugs that are administered as oral liquids; additional forms of liquid products include topical ointments, droplets, or sprayed or inhaled aerosols.
Oral liquids have some disadvantages in commercial distribution, according to industry sources. They generally need airtight packaging and have a shorter shelf life. Manufacturing is more challenging, and care must be taken to keep the formulation components in suspension. (It is for some of these same reasons that certain injectable drugs are freeze-dried [lyophilized] into powders and then reconstituted as a liquid prior to injection.)

Meanwhile, a certain number of products available as oral solids get reformulated as liquids to meet specialized patient needs. A case in point is Access Pharmaceuticals (Dallas), which last month announced entering into a pre-licensing feasibility agreement with a biopharmaceutical company to develop an oral formulation of an undisclosed prostate cancer compound utilizing its proprietary vitamin B-12-based CobOral Drug Delivery Technology. Access’ CobOral product development program initially focused on the oral delivery of insulin and human growth hormone, two peptides which currently can only be given by injection. Since presenting promising results at a major conference in mid-2008, Access says it has made substantial improvements to the formulation technology.
- SK-Zyme 200ml
- Cofcodin (50ml,100ml,400ml)
- Syrup Paracetamol I.P.
- 5A Syrup (60ml)
- Sodicit (100ml,450ml)
- Kenner’s Expectorant (100ml)
- Salbutamol Syrup IP (60ml)
- Milk of Magnesia I.P.(100ml)
- Osical-F Syrup (200ml)
- Sebolin Syrup (200ml)
- Heam-Z (Syrup) 200ml
- 5A Syrup (60ml)
- Sofel (60ml)
- Z-CID (100ml)
- Amnocin – 4 Plus (60ml)
- Antimal (60ml)
- Salbutamol Syrup I.P.
- Teophyl (60ml)
- SBG – PLUS (100ml)
- Paracetamol Syrup
- Amnocin Drops
- Sebolin Drops
- Vitamin C Drops (15ml)